I am receiving a 403 response code when trying to activate my Linkilo
If you tried to activate Linkilo and receive a 403 error like this example below:
There are several reasons why our plugin cannot connect with your WordPress site.
What causes the WordPress 403 forbidden rrror?
The following are the two most likely causes of the 403 Forbidden Error in WordPress:
- .htaccess file is corrupt
- File permissions are incorrect.
It’s also conceivable that you’re encountering the error as a result of a problem with a plugin on your site. We’ll show you how to troubleshoot all of these potential issues in this article.
How to fix this problem
1. Check your internet connection and speed
If your using a home network it should be fine. But if you are using public wifi they might restrict or slow down the internet speed that restrict any activation because of the response from your computer to server.
2. How to repair a 403 forbidden error caused by a WordPress plugin
The first step is to temporarily deactivate all WordPress plugins. This includes any security plugins you’ve put on your site.
If this solves your problem, it suggests that one of your website’s plugins was creating the error.
You can determine which plugin was generating the error by activating each one one at a time until you can duplicate the 403 prohibited error.
You can also use “Health Check & Troubleshooting” to troubleshoot without disrupting your site
3. How to repair a 403 forbidden error caused by a Corrupt .htaccess file
A corrupt.htaccess file on your WordPress site is frequently the source of the 403 error. It is really simple to repair this file.
To begin, log in to your cPanel account and connect to your website via an FTP client or file manager.
Then, in the root folder of your WordPress site, look for the.htaccess file. If you can’t find the.htaccess file in your WordPress folder, follow this guide.
You must save the.htaccess file to your computer in order to keep a current backup. Following that, you must delete the file from your server.
Try visiting your website. If the 403 prohibited error is resolved, it suggests your.htaccess file was corrupt.
Log into your WordPress admin area and navigate to the Settings » Permalinks page to create a new.htaccess file.
Simply click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page, and WordPress will create a new.htaccess file for you.
4. Repair the 403 forbidden error caused by file permissions.
File permissions are set on all files hosted on your website. These file permissions govern who has access to your website’s files and folders.
The 403 prohibited error might be caused by incorrect file permissions. It causes your web server to believe you do not have permission to view those files.
If the first two methods do not resolve the 403 prohibited issue on your site, the most likely cause is incorrect file permissions.
You can request that your WordPress hosting provider examine your website for proper file permissions. Some hosts are quite helpful; they won’t mind and will most likely fix it for you.
Changing file permissions on your own can have major ramifications. If you are unsure about doing it yourself, ask a friend for assistance or hire an expert.
If you prefer to do it yourself, here is how you would verify your file permissions.
Simply use an FTP program to connect to your WordPress site. Go to the root folder, which contains all of your WordPress files.
Right-click to select a folder, then choose File Permissions from the menu.
Your FTP client will display a file permissions dialog box similar to this:
The file permissions on all folders on your WordPress site should be 744 or 755.
The file permissions for all files on your WordPress site should be 644 or 640.
You can adjust the root folder’s file permissions to 744 or 755. Check the box next to ‘Recurse into subdirectories,’ then check the ‘apply to directories only’ option.
Then, press the OK button. Your FTP client will now begin changing the permissions of all subdirectories in that folder.
After that, you must repeat the process for all of the files. This time, use file permissions of 644 or 640, and don’t forget to check the boxes for’recurse into subdirectories’ and ‘apply to files only.’ options.
When you click the OK button, your FTP client will begin setting file permissions for all of the specified files.
If you try to access your website now, the 403 forbidden error should be gone.
5. Don’t use VPN
When you utilize a VPN service, websites, WordPress security plugins or web hosting providers will have a difficult time identifying and blocking the VPN IP.
6. Your CDN should be deactivated temporally
If you’re still getting the 403 Forbidden error after following the steps above, there could be an issue with your Content Delivery Network (CDN). This is a network of servers spread throughout the world, each hosting a duplicate of your website. Many hosting options include a CDN to help improve the performance of your website.
You’ll need to temporarily disable your CDN to check if it’s the source of the error. This can be accomplished by getting into your hosting account and checking your CDN settings. If you are unable to access your CDN, we recommend contacting your hosting provider.
7. Contact your hosting provider
If none of the alternatives above worked for you, we recommend contacting your hosting provider. They will most likely be able to assist you in determining the problem and getting you back up and running.
Still having problems?
Please provide us with the WordPress version, and possibly all screenshot or list of all the plugins you are currently using so we can duplicate the issue.

Improve your WordPress site with Linkilo, the best internal linking tool. Stop wasting time on tedious internal linking. Linkilo's WordPress plugin does the heavy lifting, so you can focus on creating great content while improving your site's navigation and user experience.
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