As an SEO agency, you’re tasked with the mission to conquer search engines, boost visibility, and deliver results for your clients. To make this mission successful, having the right talent on your team is paramount. This is where freelancers come into play.

Freelancers can bring a wealth of knowledge, diverse expertise, and flexibility to your agency. However, hiring and managing freelancers is not always a walk in the park. It’s a path lined with challenges from finding qualified freelancers to ensuring quality and fostering long-term relationships. But, hey, who said SEO was easy?

Fear not! We’re here to turn these challenges into opportunities. Let’s embark on this journey together, breaking down each obstacle and arming you with practical strategies to overcome them. Ready? Let’s dive in!

Challenge #1: Finding Qualified Freelancers

Finding the right freelancer is the first hurdle you’ll encounter on this journey. The online world is teeming with freelancers claiming to be SEO experts. How can you tell the wheat from the chaff?

Overcoming the Challenge

  1. Clearly Define Your Needs: Make a list of the skills and experience your project requires. Is it a technical SEO audit or a content strategy development? The more detailed your requirements, the easier your search becomes.
  2. Leverage Freelance Platforms: Use platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, or Fiverr. These platforms have rating systems and reviews that can help you assess a freelancer’s reliability and quality.
  3. Check Their Portfolio and Ask for References: Don’t just take their word for it. Ask for samples of their previous work and references from past clients. This will give you a deeper insight into their capabilities and work ethics.Pro tip: Look for freelancers who have worked on projects similar to yours. Their experience could prove invaluable.

Challenge #2: Communication Barriers

Communication is key in any project, and when working with freelancers, this can be a challenge due to differences in time zones, languages, and cultural nuances.

Overcoming the Challenge

  1. Establish Clear Communication Channels: Use tools like Slack or Google Meet for regular updates and queries. Make sure the freelancer is comfortable with your chosen communication tool.
  2. Set Expectations Early: From the onset, make your goals, deadlines, and standards clear. Regular check-ins can ensure everyone stays aligned.
  3. Be Culturally Sensitive: Embrace the diversity that freelancers bring. Understand their cultural nuances and be respectful of their work hours and holidays.Pro tip: A short weekly virtual meeting can make a big difference in improving communication and building rapport.

Challenge #3: Ensuring Quality Control

Maintaining a consistent quality of work can be a significant challenge when working with freelancers. After all, they are not in your office where you can monitor their work closely.

Overcoming the Challenge

  1. Set Clear Guidelines: Provide your freelancers with a comprehensive guide outlining your expectations and standards. Include specifics such as target keywords, content length, and

writing style for content creation, or audit parameters for technical SEO tasks.

  1. Implement Regular Reviews: Schedule regular assessments of the freelancer’s work. Constructive feedback is key to quality improvement.
  2. Invest in Training: If resources permit, consider providing your freelancers with training on your agency’s best practices and methods.Pro tip: Incorporating freelancers into your agency’s training and development programs can boost their performance and foster a sense of belonging.

Challenge #4: Building Long-Term Relationships

Building long-term relationships with freelancers can feel like an uphill battle. However, it’s worth the effort as it leads to better understanding, smoother workflows, and consistent quality.

Overcoming the Challenge

  1. Provide Regular Work: Stability matters to freelancers. Regular work not only secures their income but also motivates them to better align with your needs.
  2. Reward Good Work: Recognition goes a long way. Bonuses, positive feedback, or opportunities for growth can encourage freelancers to deliver high-quality work consistently.
  3. Open Communication: Keep the lines of communication open. Regular check-ins about their needs and concerns can help foster a strong relationship.Pro tip: Celebrate milestones and achievements. This will not only make the freelancer feel valued but also strengthen your working relationship.

Challenge #5: Managing Multiple Freelancers

If your SEO agency is working with multiple freelancers, coordinating their efforts can be a daunting task. The challenge lies in preventing overlapping tasks, ensuring a cohesive strategy, and managing different time zones.

Overcoming the Challenge

  1. Use Project Management Tools: Platforms like Trello, Asana, or Basecamp can help you assign tasks, track progress, and facilitate collaboration.
  2. Establish Clear Roles: Make sure each freelancer knows their role and responsibilities. This can prevent confusion and overlapping tasks.
  3. Regular Team Meetings: Consider scheduling regular team meetings where all freelancers can sync up, discuss progress, and address any issues. This can foster a sense of teamwork and cohesion.Pro tip: An online shared calendar can be a helpful tool to manage tasks and deadlines across different time zones.

Challenge #6: Protecting Confidential Information

When working with freelancers, protecting your agency’s and your clients’ confidential information can be a significant concern. You need to ensure that freelancers handle sensitive data responsibly.

Overcoming the Challenge

  1. Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs): Before sharing any confidential information, have your freelancers sign an NDA. This legally binds them to maintain the confidentiality of the information shared with them.
  2. Secure Sharing Practices: Use secure platforms for sharing sensitive information. Tools like Google Drive or Dropbox offer permissions settings that can restrict access to necessary parties only.
  3. Educate Freelancers: Make sure your freelancers understand the importance of data security and best practices for handling sensitive information.Pro tip: Regular audits of data access and usage can help you ensure that sensitive information is being handled correctly.

Challenge #7: Retaining Consistent Brand Voice

When you’re working with multiple freelancers, maintaining a consistent brand voice across all content can be a significant challenge. Each writer has their own style, and without careful oversight, your brand voice could become inconsistent.

Overcoming the Challenge

  1. Provide a Brand Guide: A brand guide that outlines your brand’s tone, style, and voice can be very useful. Make sure your freelancers have access to this guide and understand it.
  2. Regular Feedback: Provide feedback on the freelancer’s work, highlighting where they’ve hit the mark with your brand voice and where improvements could be made.
  3. Editing Process: Implement a thorough editing process. An editor familiar with your brand can review all content and make necessary adjustments to ensure consistency.Pro tip: Regular workshops or training sessions on your brand voice can help freelancers understand and adhere to it better.

Challenge #8: Dealing with Turnover

Freelancers might not be as committed to your agency as full-time employees. They could move on to other opportunities, leaving you with unfinished projects or a sudden gap in your workforce.

Overcoming the Challenge

  1. Backup Plan: Always have a backup plan. It’s a good idea to have a pool of reliable freelancers you can turn to in case one leaves unexpectedly.
  2. Contracts: Use contracts that specify the terms of the project, including what happens if the freelancer leaves before completion.
  3. Succession Planning: For critical roles, consider having an overlap period where a new freelancer works with the current one before they leave. This can ensure a smoother transition and knowledge transfer.Pro tip: Building strong relationships with your freelancers can reduce turnover. Feeling valued and part of the team can make freelancers more likely to stay.

Challenge #9: Coordinating Across Different Time Zones

When your freelancers are spread across the globe, coordinating across different time zones can be a logistical nightmare. This can lead to delays in communication, missed deadlines, and overall inefficiency.

Overcoming the Challenge

  1. Use Time Zone Tools: Utilize tools like World Time Buddy or Google Calendar’s time zone feature to keep track of different time zones.
  2. Clear Deadlines: Be explicit about deadlines and include the time zone when setting them.
  3. Flexible Scheduling: Understand that your freelancers might not be available during your regular office hours. Try to schedule meetings at a time that works for everyone.Pro tip: Using a project management tool that updates task deadlines based on time zones can help ensure that everyone is on the same page.

Your Handy Checklist for Hiring SEO Freelancers

To ensure you have all the critical points covered, here’s a handy checklist for hiring SEO freelancers:

  • Define your needs clearly and specifically
  • Use trusted freelance platforms for your search
  • Check portfolios and ask for references
  • Set clear communication channels and expectations
  • Be culturally sensitive and respectful
  • Provide clear guidelines and regular feedback
  • Consider providing training
  • Offer regular work and reward good performance
  • Maintain open communication and celebrate achievements


The journey of hiring freelancers for your SEO agency may be fraught with challenges, but the rewards make it worthwhile. Remember, every challenge is an opportunity in disguise. Embrace these challenges, apply the strategies we’ve outlined, and you’ll be well on your way to building a robust, diverse, and high-performing SEO team.

So, are you ready to turn these challenges into victories? With the right approach, your SEO agency can reach new heights of success in the ever-changing digital marketing landscape. Let the journey begin!