What is same URL reporting and how does it benefit me?

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When you review your article and want to add internal links, chances are you might end up not realizing how spammy your links might me. If you do not manually check all of the existing link on an article


The example above is an article with a bunch of internal links. You might have not even realized that you add the same URL twice. With our Link Analysis just under your article, you can review all of the links and identify if you’ve added the same link more than once or not:

linkilo link analysis

However, you might not have time to review every single post and every link.

This is where the Linkilo Summary report comes in handy. If you are using the same URL more than once, then our tool will be able to detect it and identify which anchor text was used and you can simply remove it.

Here you can see each title of the post/page and see which URL was mentioned more than once and give you the opportunity to remove one of them with ease.

We don’t want your site to look spammy in Googles’ eyes, so we wanted to provide a helpful and easy way for you to make sure your site is up to their standard.