With an increasing number of website owners favoring 308 redirects over the traditional 301 redirects, it’s important to dive deeper and answer the burning question: Are 308 redirects truly superior when it comes to SEO?

In this comprehensive article, we will explore the key differences between 301 and 308 redirects, unveil Google’s perspective on 308 redirects, and provide valuable insights on how to implement redirects effectively for optimal SEO performance.

Before we dive into the details, let’s establish a clear understanding of what a 308 redirect entails. A 308 redirect status response code serves as a powerful indicator that the requested resource has been permanently relocated to a new URL specified in the Location headers.

From an SEO perspective, this redirect signals to search engines that the page and all associated resources have been permanently redirected, ensuring the smooth flow of valuable link equity, often referred to as “link juice,” to the redirected page.

301 vs. 308 Redirects: Decoding the Nuances of Redirection

While both 301 and 308 redirects are used to communicate the permanent relocation of a resource, there are important distinctions between the two. The primary differentiating factor lies in the behavior expected from the client upon encountering the redirect target.

In the case of a 301 redirect, the client may not necessarily follow the exact same request it initially made. For example, it might change a GET request into a POST request. On the other hand, a 308 redirect mandates that the client resubmits the exact same request, preserving the integrity of the original request type (whether POST or GET) on the target location.

Google’s Stance on 308 Redirects: Insights from the SEO Experts

To gain a deeper understanding of how Google perceives and treats 308 redirects, we turn to the insights shared by Google’s esteemed Search Advocate, John Mueller. Mueller has stated that Google treats 308 redirects on par with 301 redirects, indicating that there is no inherent advantage in terms of ranking or SEO benefits when using 308 redirects.

However, in a recent exchange on Twitter, a user raised questions about the growing popularity of 308 redirects and their potential SEO advantages. Mueller responded by stating that 308 redirects could be considered technically cleaner, particularly in cases where the request type (GET, POST, etc.) is uncertain.

However, he emphasized that for the majority of websites, where requests are predominantly GET, the choice between 301 and 308 redirects holds little significance in terms of SEO outcomes.

Implementing Redirects: Key Takeaways for Optimal Results

Drawing from the insights we have gathered, let’s distill the key takeaways for effectively implementing redirects:

  1. Google’s Treatment: While Google treats 308 redirects on par with 301 redirects, it is crucial to note that 308 redirects do not inherently provide superior SEO benefits. They can offer technical advantages in specific scenarios, particularly when there is uncertainty about the request type.
  2. Control over Requests: If precise control over the request type (GET or POST) is required, 308 redirects provide the flexibility to specify the request type on the target location. This level of control is not available with 301 redirects.
  3. Considering Request Types: In cases where the request type is uncertain or when technical details are best avoided, it is generally recommended to opt for 301 redirects. Since the majority of websites primarily receive GET requests, the difference between 301 and 308 redirects becomes negligible in terms of SEO outcomes.

Practical Examples: Real-World Applications of Redirect Strategies

To better illustrate the implementation of redirect strategies, let’s explore a couple of practical examples:

Example 1: E-Commerce Website Restructuring

Suppose you are managing an e-commerce website that undergoes a significant restructuring, resulting in changes to product categories and URLs. In this scenario, implementing 301 redirects would be the recommended approach. By mapping old URLs to their corresponding new URLs using 301 redirects, you ensure a seamless user experience while preserving the SEO value and rankings of the original pages.

Example 2: Platform Migration with Request Type Preservation

Imagine you are migrating a web application to a new platform, and preserving the exact request type (GET or POST) is crucial for the application’s functionality. In such cases, 308 redirects offer the ideal solution. By specifying the request type in the redirect, you ensure the proper functioning of the application and maintain the integrity of the original request type.


In conclusion, it is essential to understand that while 308 redirects have gained popularity in recent times, they do not inherently provide superior SEO benefits compared to 301 redirects. However, when precise control over request types is necessary, 308 redirects offer a valuable tool. Ultimately, the choice between 301 and 308 redirects should be guided by the specific needs and technical considerations of your website.

To ensure successful implementation, it is crucial to specify redirects correctly and stay up-to-date with industry best practices. Consulting with SEO professionals or utilizing relevant tools can provide further guidance on effectively implementing redirects and optimizing your website’s performance in search engine rankings.

Remember, redirect strategies are just one aspect of a comprehensive SEO approach. By combining redirect optimization with other SEO techniques, such as keyword research, content optimization, and link building, you can maximize your website’s visibility and drive organic traffic.