In a time where technology is constantly advancing, staying up-to-date with the latest SEO trends and strategies is no easy task. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Podcasts have emerged as an indispensable tool for SEO professionals, offering valuable insights, practical tips, and exclusive access to industry experts.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the top SEO podcasts that promise to equip you with everything you need to excel in this ever-evolving field. Let’s dive right in!

The Recipe for SEO Success: Best for SEO Basics

Hosted by: Kate Toon Frequency: Bi-weekly Notable guests: Dan Petrovic, Britney Muller, Peter Macinkovic, and Jono Alderson

If you’re new to SEO or looking to solidify your fundamentals, “The Recipe for SEO Success” is the perfect podcast. Hosted by Kate Toon, an industry veteran, this podcast caters to SMBs, bloggers, freelancers, and online businesses. With a focus on accessibility, Kate covers a wide range of marketing topics in a way that’s easy to understand. You’ll gain practical knowledge and confidence to tackle SEO challenges head-on.

Experts on the Wire: Best for hearing from SEO experts

Hosted by: Dan Shure Frequency: Monthly Notable guests: John Mueller, Rand Fishkin, Jackie Chu, Kevin Indig

When it comes to learning from the best in the business, “Experts on the Wire” takes the spotlight. Hosted by the knowledgeable Dan Shure, this podcast features in-depth interviews with renowned SEO experts. With over 100 thought-leaders in SEO already interviewed, including industry heavyweights like John Mueller and Rand Fishkin, this podcast offers a treasure trove of insights and actionable advice.

Voices of Search: Best for SEO strategy

Hosted by: Benjamin Shapiro Frequency: Daily Notable guests: Cyrus Shepard, Eli Schwartz, and Eric Enge

“Voices of Search” offers a daily dose of SEO strategy, featuring insightful conversations with industry leaders. Host Benjamin Shapiro engages in discussions with notable marketers from companies like Square and Sparktoro, uncovering high-level strategies and trends. From SEO KPI funnels to SEO reporting metrics, each episode provides valuable takeaways and actionable tips to enhance your SEO campaigns.

The SEO Mindset Podcast: Developing Skills for Success

Hosts: Tazmin Suleman and Sarah McDowell

The SEO Mindset Podcast stands out by focusing on the often-neglected soft skills, personal growth, and career development that are essential for long-term success in the SEO industry. Hosted by Tazmin Suleman and Sarah McDowell, this podcast covers a wide range of important topics such as overcoming burnout, dealing with imposter syndrome, achieving work-life balance, and nurturing a positive mindset.

The podcast has touched on vital topics that are rarely discussed, providing actionable tips and advice to help SEO professionals optimize their careers. The hosts make a conscious effort to relate these topics to real-life examples, ensuring that the insights shared are relevant to professionals across various industries. Listen to the SEO Mindset Podcast on Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and Pocket Casts.

SEO Pioneers (The History Of SEO): Unveiling the Foundations of the Industry

Host: Shelley Walsh

SEO Pioneers is a unique video series that chronicles the early days of SEO through interviews with industry pioneers. Host Shelley Walsh engages with these trailblazers who played significant roles in shaping the industry or making groundbreaking contributions to it. In each episode, you’ll discover captivating anecdotes and gain insights into the foundations of SEO, the evolution of search engines, and the timeless principles that remain relevant today.

Shelley’s interviews with pioneers like Ammon Johns, Greg Boser, Dave Naylor, and Rae Hoffman offer a rare glimpse into the inner workings of the industry. Moreover, this series features the last interview ever given by the late Bill Slawski, making it a truly valuable resource for search marketers at all levels. While currently available on YouTube, SEO Pioneers will soon be accessible as a podcast, ensuring easy access to its wealth of knowledge.

Crawling Mondays: Best for SEO How-To’s

Hosted by: Aleyda Solis Frequency: Monthly Notable guests: Lily Ray, Matthew Howells-Barb, Areej AbuAli, John Shehata, and Nick Eubanks

If you’re looking for practical, step-by-step guidance on various SEO aspects, “Crawling Mondays” is a must-listen. Aleyda Solis, an authority in the field, covers everything from link building to technical audits, leaving no stone unturned. Her podcast features informative conversations with industry experts, offering real-world insights and valuable tips to enhance your SEO strategies.

Hosts: Isaline Muelhauser and Areej AbuAli

For those seeking inspiration and a sense of community, “WTSPodcast” shines the spotlight on women in the SEO industry. This podcast provides a platform for all women in SEO to share their stories, experiences, and expertise. Covering a wide range of SEO topics, each episode offers valuable insights, practical advice, and a supportive environment to empower women in the field.

Hosted by Isaline Muelhauser and Areej AbuAli, recent episodes have explored structured data, large website migrations, and innovative approaches to site architecture. Isaline and Areej aim to provide listeners with fresh insights in a fun and accessible way, making technical SEO more approachable for all. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting your SEO journey, this podcast offers a wealth of knowledge and inspiration. Listen to Women in Tech SEO on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Strategy Sessions Podcast: Elevating Your SEO Leadership Skills

Host: Andi Jarvis

The Strategy Sessions Podcast is a valuable resource for SEO professionals at a management level, agency owners, and marketing leaders. While the podcast covers performance marketing, it also explores broader topics related to running an agency, marketing to consumers, and leadership skills.

Featuring guests from prestigious companies like the BBC, Accenture, and successful tech startups, the podcast provides insights into the challenges and strategies employed by industry leaders. Recent episodes have covered launching new work, data-driven decision-making, the evolving role of marketing in a recession, and the importance of building diverse teams. Listen to new episodes on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify.

Marketing O’Clock: Staying in Sync with SEO and Digital Marketing News

Hosts: Greg Finn, Jessica Budde, and Christine ‘Shep’ Zirnheld

Marketing O’Clock is your go-to podcast for fresh perspectives on recent SEO and digital marketing news. Hosted by Greg Finn, Jessica Budde, and Christine ‘Shep’ Zirnheld, this podcast covers the latest trends, updates, and insights that are shaping the industry.

Episodes covered news about Meta’s verification scheme, Microsoft advertising updates, the impact of AI-powered search, and Google’s evolving landscape. What started as a means to keep clients informed has transformed into a valuable resource for marketers and SEO professionals alike.

With a weekly release schedule, Marketing O’Clock ensures that you’re always in the know. Listen to new episodes on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, and Spotify.

Webcology: Current Events and Evergreen Insights for Search Marketers

Hosts: Jim Hedger and Kristine Schachinger

Webcology is a regularly published podcast that keeps you up-to-date with the latest happenings in the world of SEO. Hosts Jim Hedger and Kristine Schachinger engage in insightful discussions with guests, covering a wide range of topics including domains, conversions, link building, and more. Kristine Schachinger, with nearly twenty years of experience in search marketing, brings in-depth knowledge of SEO and technical development to the podcast.

Jim Hedger, with his curiosity and deep industry insights, provides valuable perspectives on the current state of search. If you’re limited on time but still want to stay informed, Webcology should be at the top of your listening list. Listen to new episodes on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and RedCircle.

Branded Search (And Beyond) SEO Podcast: Actionable Strategies for Search Marketers

Host: Jason Barnard

For actionable SEO strategies, look no further than the Branded Search (and Beyond) SEO Podcast by Jason Barnard. Known for his expertise in search marketing, Jason delivers episodes that are jam-packed with valuable insights and strategies. With a new episode released every week, this podcast offers a vast library of content spanning five years.

Recent topics have included conversion-driven SEO, leveraging press for Google authority, building a personal brand online, and creating content that converts. If you’re looking for practical advice that you can implement immediately, this podcast is a must-listen. Available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Google Podcast: Search Off The Record: Insights from SEO-Facing Googlers

Hosted by: John Mueller, Martin Splitt, and Gary Illyes Frequency: Monthly Notable guests: Google Search Team members

Curious about how Google thinks? “Search Off the Record” brings you behind the scenes of Google’s search engine. Hosted by Google Webmasters themselves, this podcast offers insights into Google’s approach to SEO. While they don’t reveal exclusive algorithm secrets, the hosts address common concerns and shed light on how Google treats various aspects of SEO, providing invaluable context for marketers.

From discussions about the development of Google Search Central documentation to lighthearted chats about algorithms, this podcast offers a unique perspective. As an authoritative source, it helps search marketers understand Google’s approach and stay informed about the latest developments. Available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify.

Search Engine Journal Show: Navigating the Future of Search Marketing

Host: Loren Baker

The Search Engine Journal Show takes a deep dive into the world of search marketing, covering a wide spectrum of topics including SEO strategies, marketing tactics, programmatic advertising, and emerging content trends. With industry experts sharing their experiences and knowledge, host Loren Baker brings you the latest news, insights, and predictions that will help you stay ahead of the game.

Recent episodes have explored scaling PPC and advertising beyond Google Ads, the integration of ChatGPT and search, the power of scarcity marketing, and the seamless integration of SEO for product launches. With a vast library of episodes to explore, this podcast is a treasure trove of actionable tips and strategies. Listen to new episodes on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, and TuneIn.

Food Blogger Pro Podcast: Cross-Industry Insights for Publishers

Host: Bjork Ostrom

While the Food Blogger Pro podcast primarily targets food bloggers, its topics and insights extend to publishers in any industry. The podcast covers a wide range of subjects relevant to information publishing businesses, providing valuable insights for SEO professionals.

Recent topics have explored the relationship between email marketing and SEO, understanding taxes for independent creators, transitioning from an informational site to an e-commerce business, and diversifying income streams. The podcast’s lessons apply to virtually any kind of publishing business, making it a valuable resource for SEO professionals seeking cross-industry insights. Listen to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify.

The In Search SEO Podcast By Rank Ranger: Weekly Insights for Search Marketers

Host: David Bain

Rank Ranger’s In Search SEO podcast offers weekly episodes featuring guests who share their expertise on search marketing topics. Whether you work in-house, at an agency, or as an independent search marketer, this podcast provides valuable insights to enhance your SEO practices.

Recent topics include using log files for SEO, optimizing Google Business profiles, auditing content like an SEO data analyst, and strategies for growing your SEO client accounts. By tuning in to this podcast, you’ll gain actionable advice from industry experts and stay updated on the latest trends. Listen to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, SoundCloud, and YouTube.

EDGE Of The Web: Exploring Digital Marketing News and Insights

Host: Erin Sparks

The EDGE of the Web podcast brings you the latest digital marketing news and features well-known guests who are prominent figures on Twitter. With episodes released multiple times a week, this podcast ensures you’re always informed about the industry’s current happenings.

Recent episodes featured Mark Williams-Cook, the founder of topical keyword research tool AlsoAsked, and Kevin Indig. By tuning in, you’ll gain fresh perspectives on the latest news and trends shaping the digital marketing landscape. Available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and SoundCloud.

NerdBrand Podcast: Branding Insights for Search Marketers

Hosts: Jason Davis, Jonathan Payne, Mikayla Meek, Mitch Gregory

Although not directly focused on SEO, the NerdBrand podcast explores brand-related topics that intersect with search marketing. The podcast covers a wide range of subjects that are important to anyone practicing SEO, providing valuable insights into brand-building strategies.

Topics have included brands that people love, strategic use of LinkedIn, and other brand-focused discussions. While not SEO-centric, these insights are relevant and actionable for search marketers seeking to enhance their branding efforts. Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts.

#DreadingSundays Podcast: Unlocking SEO Success and Personal Development

Host: Daniel K. Cheung

Formerly known as the Make SEO Simple Again podcast, the #DreadingSundays Podcast focuses on the business of SEO and personal development. Hosted by Daniel K. Cheung, this podcast covers actionable tips for negotiating better pay, preparing for job interviews, and achieving success in the SEO industry.

Featuring a diverse range of guests, the podcast aims to motivate and inspire listeners to take control of their careers. With multiple seasons covering evergreen topics, there are plenty of episodes to choose from for new listeners. The #DreadingSundays podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify.

TechSEO: Best for learning technical SEO

Hosted by: Dan Taylor (SALT agency) Frequency: Monthly Notable guests: John Mueller, Russ Jones, Kevin Indig

If you have a passion for the technical side of SEO, “TechSEO” is your go-to podcast. Hosted by Dan Taylor, an expert from SALT agency, this podcast delves deep into technical SEO topics. From sitemaps to log files and JavaScript, Dan simplifies complex concepts and shares practical strategies to improve your technical SEO game.

The SEO Rant: Best for SEO Hot-takes

Hosted by: Mordy Oberstein Frequency: Depends (see here) Notable guests: Abby Reimer, Emma Russell, Andy Chadwick, Niki Mosier, and Nick LeRoy

Looking for a fresh perspective and thought-provoking discussions? “The SEO Rant” challenges conventional SEO wisdom and explores controversial topics. Host Mordy Oberstein invites guests to delve into subjects that matter, providing unique insights and sparking engaging conversations. This podcast is perfect for those who crave a departure from the norm and want to broaden their SEO horizons.


With these top SEO podcasts, you’ll have a wealth of knowledge, insights, and practical tips at your fingertips. Whether you’re looking to stay updated with the latest industry trends, enhance your technical SEO skills, develop your leadership abilities, or gain inspiration from industry experts, these podcasts offer something for everyone. So, tune in and take your SEO game to new heights!