When you’re building a business online, keywords are the architectural blueprint guiding your way. These aren’t just terms or phrases; they’re the very essence of your connection to your audience. How do you find the right ones? What makes a keyword ‘good’?

This article will dive into seven comprehensive tips to help you discover the ideal keywords for your business. By understanding what, why, when, where, and how to choose, you’ll be equipped with the tools for success.

Why Choosing the Right Keywords is a Pillar of Your Success

The online world is crowded, and standing out requires more than a lucky break. The right keywords are your beacon, guiding potential customers to your doorstep. But this isn’t just about rankings or traffic; it’s about connection, relevance, and growth. Selecting the wrong keywords can lead you astray, but choosing the right ones can be transformative.

1. Search Volume: Listening to the Voice of the Masses

Search volume tells you how many times a specific keyword has been queried. Understanding this is like tuning into a frequency where your audience speaks.

  • High Search Volume, Low Competition: This is the sweet spot where many are asking, but few are answering. Most SEO tools will use the term Keyword Difficulty to provide a score of how competitive the keywords are.
  • High Search Volume, High Competition: Here, the room is crowded, and your voice might be drowned.

Search volume is not just a number; it’s a pulse on what people want. The key lies in finding those areas where your voice can be heard loud and clear.

2. Brand Relevance: Aligning with Your Identity

What does your brand stand for? What do you offer? Your keywords must be a reflection of these questions. If you’re selling fitness equipment, a keyword related to fast food may drive traffic, but will it convert? Brand relevance isn’t about chasing numbers; it’s about building a community that believes in what you offer.

3. Search Intent: Walking in Your Customer’s Shoes

Why is someone searching for a particular term? What are they hoping to find? Search intent is a journey into the mind of your audience. If you’re a travel agency, and someone searches for ‘summer vacation,’ do they want packages, tips, destinations, or something else? Understanding this dimension allows you to tailor your content in a way that feels almost personalized.

4. Conversion-Rich Content: Guiding the Journey

Keywords should not just attract visitors but guide them towards action. Are you looking for sign-ups, sales, subscriptions? Your keywords should be the signposts leading the way. It’s not just about what they search for, but how they can move from a casual browser to an engaged customer.

5. Competitiveness: Choosing Your Battles Wisely

Some keywords are battlegrounds where only the mightiest can survive. Competitiveness is an assessment of where you can realistically stand out. If a keyword requires thousands of backlinks to rank, is it the right fit for you? Finding the balance between ambition and practicality can lead to success without draining resources.

6. Gap Targets: Exploring Uncharted Territories

What are your competitors missing? What questions are left unanswered? Gap targets are about finding those unique spaces where you can be the sole voice. Maybe it’s a specific product feature, a local angle, or a unique insight that others have overlooked. Gap targeting is about innovation and creativity in keyword selection.

7. Keyword Type Balance: Crafting a Diverse Strategy

Not all keywords are created equal. Seed keywords might be broad and generic, while long-tail keywords can be specific and targeted. A robust keyword strategy embraces both. It’s like having a conversation that ranges from general topics to detailed insights, making sure that every type of audience member feels included.


Choosing the right keywords is not a solitary act; it’s a symphony of different elements working in harmony. From understanding the landscape to aligning with your brand, crafting content that converts, and exploring new opportunities, each part plays a significant role. By following these seven comprehensive criteria, the intimidating task of keyword selection becomes a well-guided journey, full of opportunities and growth.