As an agency, you understand the importance of offering comprehensive digital marketing services to meet your clients’ needs.

However, building an in-house team of SEO experts can be costly and time-consuming. That’s where SEO reselling comes in. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the concept of SEO reselling and how it can help agencies expand their service offerings, improve campaign performance, and forge valuable partnerships.

Why Are Reseller SEO Services for Agencies Needed?

In the highly competitive landscape of SEO agencies, staying ahead requires industry-leading expertise. SEO reselling enables agencies to tap into a wide range of reseller SEO services, including link building, website analysis and SEO audits, keyword research, content creation, and local and international SEO.

By leveraging the skills and knowledge of SEO resellers, agencies can expand their service offerings without the need for an in-house team of SEO experts. Let’s explore the advantages of reseller SEO services in more detail.

Tiny people auditors, accountant with magnifier during examination of financial report. Audit service, financial audit, consulting service concept. Pink coral blue vector isolated illustration

Advantages of Reseller SEO Services

SEO reselling offers several advantages for agencies:

  • Scalability and Cost Efficiency: Reseller SEO services allow agencies to scale their business without the need to build and maintain an in-house team of SEO experts. This scalability enables agencies to handle larger projects and take on major brands and businesses without the burden of additional hiring expenses.
  • Enhanced Campaign Performance: By partnering with SEO resellers, agencies can leverage their expertise and experience to deliver better campaign results. Resellers understand clients’ needs and goals, enabling them to craft effective strategies and communicate clear campaign results to clients. This collaboration ensures that strategies can be adjusted if needed to achieve optimal outcomes.
  • Access to Premium SEO Tools and Platforms: Running successful SEO campaigns requires access to data and insights that only premium SEO tools and platforms can provide. By working with an SEO reseller, agencies gain access to these tools and platforms, allowing them to measure key performance indicators (KPIs) effectively and make data-driven decisions. Resellers handle the management and reporting of KPIs, ensuring agencies can focus on delivering results.

One of the key services offered by SEO resellers is link building. Link building plays a crucial role in improving search engine rankings and driving organic traffic. However, it is a labor-intensive process that requires expertise and resources. By outsourcing backlinking efforts to an SEO reseller, agencies can save time and resources while benefiting from a variety of link building strategies.

These strategies may include outreach, guest posting, and correcting broken links. Resellers have the knowledge and experience to acquire high-quality backlinks for their clients, helping to boost their online visibility and authority.

Website Analysis and SEO Audits

A fresh SEO campaign often begins with a comprehensive on-page SEO evaluation. SEO resellers have the expertise to assess a website’s SEO health and identify areas for improvement. By conducting in-depth website analysis and SEO audits, resellers can pinpoint opportunities for quick wins and provide valuable insights to agencies and their clients.

This analysis may cover various aspects, including website structure, meta tags, keyword optimization, and technical SEO elements. With the help of reseller SEO services, agencies can lay a strong foundation for their clients’ SEO success.

Keyword Research and Content Creation

Keyword research is a fundamental part of SEO, and it plays a crucial role in driving targeted organic traffic. SEO resellers have the skills and tools to identify profitable keywords on behalf of agencies. Instead of navigating complex SEO tools and analyzing data themselves, agencies can rely on resellers to uncover relevant keywords that align with their clients’ goals.

In addition to keyword research, reseller SEO services often include content creation. Many resellers have in-house copywriting expertise or access to vetted contractors who can produce high-quality content at scale. This ensures that agencies can deliver valuable and engaging content that resonates with their clients’ target audience.

Local and International SEO

SEO resellers also specialize in local and international SEO, helping agencies navigate the complexities of optimizing for specific locations and markets. Local SEO involves optimizing websites for location-specific keywords, managing Google Business Profiles, and ensuring consistency across online directories.

International SEO focuses on expanding an agency’s reach beyond borders by implementing strategies tailored to different regions and languages. Resellers assist agencies with the detailed, manual aspects of local and international SEO, enabling them to offer comprehensive optimization services to their clients.

Organized archive. Searching files in database. Records management, records and information management, documents tracking system concept. Pink coral blue vector isolated illustration

Alternatives for Reseller SEO Services

While reseller SEO services offer significant advantages, agencies have alternative options to consider based on their specific needs.

Creating an In-House Team

Agencies can choose to build their own in-house SEO team. This approach allows for greater control over SEO strategies and ensures that the team aligns with the agency’s culture and goals. To form an effective in-house team, agencies need to hire SEO strategists, data analysts, editors, and writers. By combining the agency’s existing expertise with dedicated SEO professionals, agencies can deliver comprehensive SEO services and maintain full control over their clients’ campaigns.

Working with Freelancers

Another alternative to reseller SEO services is to collaborate with SEO freelancers. Freelancers provide on-demand expertise and can be valuable niche experts in specific areas of SEO.

Agencies can engage freelancers to handle specialized tasks or provide consultation on technical SEO aspects. Working with freelancers allows agencies to have access to SEO experts without the commitment of hiring full-time employees. It provides flexibility in managing SEO projects and can be a cost-effective solution for agencies.

Pros and Cons of Reseller SEO Services

Before deciding on reseller SEO services, it’s important to consider the pros and cons.

Pros of SEO Reselling

  • Scalability and Cost Efficiency: Reseller SEO services enable agencies to expand their service offerings without the need to build an in-house team. This scalability helps agencies handle larger projects and take on major brands while minimizing costs.
  • Enhanced Campaign Performance: By leveraging the expertise of SEO resellers, agencies can improve campaign performance and deliver better results to their clients. Resellers understand clients’ needs and goals, allowing them to tailor strategies and tactics for maximum impact. Clear communication and collaboration with resellers ensure that campaign goals are met and strategies can be adjusted if needed.
  • Access to Premium SEO Tools and Platforms: SEO resellers have access to a wide range of premium SEO tools and platforms that drive effective campaigns. These tools provide valuable insights and data, allowing agencies to measure key performance indicators and make data-driven decisions. By working with resellers, agencies can leverage these tools without the need for individual subscriptions or investments.

Cons of SEO Reselling

  • Unreasonable Promises and Lack of Measurable Outcomes: It’s important to avoid SEO resellers that make unrealistic promises, such as guaranteeing top rankings within a short period. SEO is a complex and dynamic process, and results can vary depending on numerous factors. Trustworthy resellers focus on realistic expectations and provide measurable outcomes through case studies and testimonials.
  • Importance of Onboarding and Track Record: Reliable SEO resellers understand the importance of onboarding and ensuring that their work is aligned with clients’ goals. If a reseller lacks an onboarding process or fails to perform due diligence during the sign-up process, it could be a red flag. It’s essential to work with resellers who have a proven track record, including positive testimonials and references from previous clients.

How to Get Started with Reseller SEO Services for Agencies

When considering reseller SEO services, it’s crucial to choose a reliable partner who aligns with your agency’s goals and can deliver exceptional results. Here are some steps to get started:

Researching and Fact-Checking

Thoroughly research potential SEO resellers and fact-check their claims and past work. Look for reputable resellers with a track record of success in your industry or niche. Verify the effectiveness of their services and ensure they provide the specific SEO services you require. Platforms like Capterra and Google Business Profiles can provide valuable ratings and recommendations.

Seeking Testimonials and References

Request testimonials and references from actual businesses who have worked with the reseller you’re considering. These insights offer a glimpse into the reseller’s performance and the experience you can expect. Testimonials and case studies highlight the reseller’s skills and achievements, providing evidence of their capabilities.

Trial Period and Performance Evaluation

Consider requesting a trial period or pilot project to evaluate the reseller’s services. This trial run allows you to assess the quality of their work, their communication style, and their ability to meet your clients’ needs. It’s an opportunity to gauge the reseller’s performance and ensure they can deliver the desired outcomes before committing to a long-term partnership.

Picking the Right SEO Reseller for You

Choosing the right SEO reseller is essential for a successful partnership. Consider the following factors when selecting an SEO reseller:

  • Testimonials and Experience: Seek testimonials and references from businesses that have worked with the reseller. Genuine feedback from clients provides valuable insights into the reseller’s performance and customer satisfaction. Look for resellers with years of experience in the industry, as longevity often indicates a deep understanding of SEO and the ability to adapt to changes in the field.
  • Evaluating Expertise and Track Record: Assess the reseller’s expertise in your specific niche or industry. Look for resellers with a proven track record of delivering successful SEO campaigns for clients in similar industries. Consider their experience with different SEO strategies, such as local SEO or international SEO. A reseller with diverse expertise can better tailor their services to meet your clients’ unique needs.


In conclusion, SEO reselling offers agencies a cost-effective way to expand their service offerings and deliver comprehensive SEO solutions to their clients. By partnering with an SEO reseller, agencies can benefit from the expertise of industry-leading professionals and gain access to a range of reseller SEO services, including link building, website analysis and SEO audits, keyword research, content creation, and local and international SEO. However, it’s important to consider alternatives such as building an in-house team or working with freelancers based on specific needs.

When selecting an SEO reseller, agencies should research and fact-check their past work, seek testimonials and references from actual businesses, and consider a trial period to evaluate their services. Picking the right SEO reseller involves assessing their expertise, experience, and track record in the industry.

By choosing the right SEO reseller and establishing a successful partnership, agencies can concentrate on their core competencies, increase brand recognition and revenue, gain new skills, and build valuable partnerships with other agencies. Reseller SEO services provide the opportunity to enhance campaign performance, leverage premium SEO tools, and deliver measurable results for clients. It’s a strategic approach that empowers agencies to stay competitive in the dynamic landscape of SEO and digital marketing.