The HTTP 410 status code serves a specific purpose in the architecture of the web. When a client, such as a web browser, requests a resource from a web server, it may receive a variety of responses.

Among these is the 410 status code, which serves as an unequivocal signal that the resource is gone and is not coming back.

Unlike the 404 status code, which generally means the server can’t find the requested resource, the 410 status code implies that the absence of the resource is intentional and permanent.

Introductory Notes on HTTP Status Codes

Think of HTTP status codes as the language that web servers use to communicate with web browsers. These codes offer a snapshot of how a server is processing incoming requests.

While the 404 Not Found error is a household name, the 410 Gone Error serves a unique and important function. Specifically, this error tells us that a previously available resource is not just missing, but intentionally removed, with no plans for its return.

What Is a HTTP 410 Status Code?

The HTTP/1.1 protocol defines this status code as signifying that the target resource is no longer available at the origin server, and this condition is likely permanent. If the server doesn’t have enough information to determine the permanence of the condition, a 410 should not be used; instead, a 404 Not Found should be the response.

This status code is a part of the HTTP status codes defined in RFC7231, Section 6.5.9.

Practical Applications OF 410 Code

The 410 status code is most commonly used for resources that were available only for a limited period, such as promotional materials, or for resources owned by individuals who are no longer affiliated with a particular site. It’s not mandatory to mark all “gone” resources with a 410 or to maintain the code indefinitely. That decision is at the discretion of the server owner.

Cache Behavior

By default, a 410 response is cacheable, unless indicated otherwise by explicit cache controls or by the method’s definition. For more details on caching, one can refer to Calculating Heuristic Freshness as mentioned in RFC7234, Section 4.2.2.

Code References in Various Programming Languages

  • Rails: HTTP Status Symbol :gone
  • Go: HTTP Status Constant http.StatusGone
  • Symfony: HTTP Status Constant Response::HTTP_GONE
  • Python: httplib.GONE for Python2, http.client.GONE for Python3+
  • .NET: HttpStatusCode.Gone
  • Rust: http::StatusCode::GONE
  • Java:
  • Apache: org.apache.hc.core5.http.HttpStatus.SC_GONE
  • Angular: @angular/common/http/HttpStatusCode.Gone

Example of a 410 Status Code


GET /product/1234 HTTP/1.1


HTTP/1.1 410 Gone
Content-Type: text/plain
The requested product has been discontinued and is no longer available.

When to Opt for a 410

  • Consolidating Pages: When you’ve combined multiple pages into a single new page, use a 410 for the outdated URLs.
  • Expired Deals: If your website featured a short-lived promotion that has expired, a 410 status code is the best way to convey this to both human users and search engine bots.

Insights from Industry Experts

Respected professionals like Google’s Matt Cutts in 2014 and Google’s John Mueller recommend using a 410 status code when a page has no appropriate replacement and has been permanently removed. This ensures a quicker removal from search engine indexes.

Here’s what Matt Cutts said:

“So the short answer is that we do sometimes treat 404s and 410s a little bit differently, but for the most part you shouldn’t worry about it.

If a page is gone and you think it’s temporary, go ahead and use a 404. If a page is gone and you know no other page that should substitute for it, you don’t have anywhere else that you should point to, and you know that page is going to be gone and never come back, then go ahead and serve a 410.”

The Key Distinctions Between 410 Gone Error and 404 Not Found

Both 410 and 404 status codes signal that a resource is not accessible, yet the nuances between them are pivotal:

Duration Matters

A 404 error might be transient. Search engines like Google may pause for about 24 hours before removing a page flagged with a 404 error. A 410, however, is like a flashing neon sign announcing “This is permanent!” Search engines often act more swiftly in de-indexing a page flagged with a 410.

How Search Engines See It

If you want a webpage removed definitively from a search engine index, the 410 status code is your strongest ally. In the eyes of search engine algorithms, a 410 status code serves as an unambiguous directive to remove the URL.

The Implications for Web Visitors and Search Engines

For Your Audience

To the untrained eye, a 410 error and a 404 error may appear indistinguishable. But anyone who knows the difference will appreciate the clarity a 410 provides. Understanding that the content is gone for good can save the user from futilely rechecking the page.

For Search Engines

Search engines like Google treat a 410 status code as a final verdict. Unlike a 404, which leaves some room for interpretation, a 410 eliminates any ambiguity about the status of the URL.

The Nuts and Bolts of Implementing a 410 Error: A WordPress Guide

When it comes to managing a WordPress website, implementing a 410 Gone Error is a bit different than on other types of servers. You don’t have to dig into server configuration files; instead, you can make the needed changes right from your WordPress admin dashboard. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Using a WordPress Plugin

  1. Install a Redirection Plugin: There are several reliable plugins available, such as ‘Redirection’ or ‘Yoast SEO,’ that can help you set up a 410 status code.
  2. Navigate to the Plugin Settings: Once the plugin is installed, go to its settings, usually found under the ‘Tools’ or ‘SEO’ tab in your WordPress dashboard.
  3. Specify the URL: In the plugin settings, locate the section where you can input the old URL that you want to remove.
  4. Set the Status Code: Choose ‘410 Gone’ from the list of HTTP status codes.
  5. Save and Test: After setting it up, save your changes and test the URL to make sure it returns a 410 status.

Manually via .htaccess (Advanced)

  1. Access Your Website Files: Log into your website’s hosting panel and navigate to the root directory where WordPress is installed.
  2. Locate the .htaccess File: This file is usually hidden; you may need to enable ‘Show Hidden Files’ in your file manager settings.
  3. Edit the .htaccess File: Add the following line to specify the URL you want to mark as ‘Gone’:
    Redirect 410 /path-to-gone-resource
  4. Save and Exit: Save your changes and exit the file manager.

Using Functions.php (Advanced)

  1. Go to Theme Editor: From your WordPress dashboard, navigate to ‘Appearance’ and then ‘Theme Editor.’
  2. Locate Functions.php: Find the functions.php file in the list of theme files on the right side of the screen.
  3. Insert Code: At the end of the file, insert the following PHP snippet:
add_action('template_redirect', function() {
  if (is_404() && $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] === '/path-to-gone-resource') {
  1. Save and Review: Click ‘Update File’ to save your changes, then test the URL to ensure it’s showing a 410 status.

These methods provide different avenues for adding a 410 status code to your WordPress site, depending on your comfort level with plugins, server files, or code. Make sure to test rigorously to confirm that the status code functions as expected.

Summing It All Up

Mastering the nuances of HTTP status codes like the 410 Gone Error can significantly impact your website’s performance on search engines and overall user experience. By carefully employing this error code, you not only communicate more clearly with your audience but also streamline your site’s interaction with search engines. Employing this knowledge judiciously could set you ahead in the digital space.