SEO used to be straightforward, but the industry keeps on evolving. To fulfill the numerous search engine ranking guidelines and satisfy your consumers, search engine optimization requires careful attention to hundreds of guidelines.

Before you get into the various SEO strategies, you need to know the different types of SEO. This article focuses on that.

What is Search Engine Optimization?

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is making a website more accessible to consumers, web surfers, and crawlers. SEO’s overarching purpose is to increase a website’s organic search traffic by raising its profile in the search engine results pages (SERPs) for a wide range of relevant keyword phrases.

What makes up the foundation of SEO?

To improve your website’s visibility and position in search engine results pages (SERPs), Search Engine Optimization (SEO) relies on several interrelated factors. Some fundamentals of search engine optimization include internal linking, high-quality material and content, meta tags and keywords, optimized media, and website structure and technicalities.

Different forms of search engine optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has 12 distinct categories. Listed below are some brief descriptions and benefits of each.

White-Hat Search Engine Optimization

White-hat SEO refers to those search engine optimization strategies that don’t violate the policies of the most popular search engines like Google. Building a popular website is easiest when only ethical, or “white-hat,” SEO techniques are used.

By adhering to the search engine’s guidelines while still boosting your site’s visibility, “white-hat” SEO protects your site’s reputation and helps you rise in the search engine results pages.

Strategies employed by White-Hat SEO include using descriptive and keyword-rich meta tags, providing visitors with the services and materials they seek, and ensuring that your website is user-friendly.

Black-Hat Search Engine Optimization

You should stay away from any black hat SEO. Contrary to white-hat SEO, which does not violate the policies of search engines, black-hat SEO practitioners take advantage of loopholes in Google’s algorithm.

Black hat techniques, such as spammy or paid link building, keyword stuffing, cloaking, etc., are employed to rise to the top of search engine results pages. While these methods produce visible results quickly, Google may penalize your site if they discover you’ve used them.

On-Page Search Engine Optimization

Title tags, internal links, HTML code, URLs, photos, and a host of other on-page elements can all be optimized for better results and user experience through a process known as on-page SEO. 

Title tags, internal links, HTML code, URLs, photos, and a host of other on-page elements can all be optimized for better results and user experience through a process known as on-page SEO.

On-page search engine optimization (SEO) involves things like:

  • Creating material that is both helpful and interesting to your site’s visitors and Google’s crawlers.
  • Optimizing title tags and meta descriptions to improve click-through rates (CTR) from search engine results pages (SERPs).
  • Utilizing header tags (H1, H2, etc.) to provide structure to content and improve readability.
  • HTML tags to draw attention to certain details on the site.
  • Inspecting for the same material or links that don’t work and minimizing image file sizes.
  • Organizing the structure of the URL to make it easy to remember and accurately describe the linked page.
  • and more.

Off-Page Search Engine Optimization

Obtaining links from reputable websites in the same sector as your own and promoting yourself well on social media are all part of this. Anything you do beyond the confines of your website to improve its position in Google’s search results is considered off-page SEO.

Key aspects of off-page SEO include:

  • Building a strong backlink profile by obtaining high-quality, relevant backlinks from authoritative websites.
  • Engaging in content marketing and guest posting to gain brand exposure and earn valuable backlinks.
  • Managing online reputation through reviews and social media interactions.

Technical Search Engine Optimization

This type of SEO helps crawlers in filtering and categorizing your pages by content in several ways, including, for instance, making your site mobile-friendly and developing a thorough XML sitemap. Hence, assisting Google’s bots in their mission to crawl, interpret, and index your website’s pages is the primary focus of technical SEO.

Key considerations for technical SEO include:

  • Improving website speed and performance to ensure quick page loading times and a seamless user experience.
  • Addressing server response time issues and optimizing image sizes for faster loading.
  • Implementing mobile-first design to accommodate Google’s mobile-first indexing.

Gray-Hat Search Engine Optimization

Due to the ambiguity surrounding the problem, certain SEO strategies fall into a “gray hat” category that is neither “white hat” nor “black hat.”

In layman’s words, the gray-hat SEO content you create is undefined. The use of gray-hat SEO techniques, however, will not lead to a site being blacklisted. It’s a form of search engine optimization (SEO) that carries more of a threat than “white-hat” methods.

Learning about gray-hat SEO techniques can prevent losing visitors by making you aware of the drawbacks of switching to more ethical methods.

International Search Engine Optimization

To be successful with international SEO, you must respect the values of your target market and facilitate transactions in the local currency and language. SEO that considers multiple languages and regions will increase the number of people who find your site organically.

For instance, dates and times should be written down correctly depending on where they are found. Speak to them in their native language to put their minds at ease. International search engine optimization aims to provide users with a satisfying digital experience.

Ecommerce Search Engine Optimization

Ecommerce SEO is a great tool for making your e-commerce site more visible in search results. A lack of visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) might mean losing out on valuable exposure to prospective online shoppers.

Prioritize SEO for your homepage and build a well-structured site; eCommerce SEO has the potential to boost your traffic and search volume. Compared to the price of paid search ads, the SEO fees associated with e-commerce are substantially lower.

Content Seach Engine Optimization

Content SEO is yet another subcategory of search engine optimization. Websites with original content, such as articles, pictures, and videos, tend to perform better on search engine results pages.

Site structure, copywriting, and keyword strategy are three aspects to consider when collaborating with content SEOs. A website will not fare well in search engine results if it lacks high-quality content, so striking a good balance between the three is crucial.

Local Search Engine Optimization

As one of the most effective forms of SEO, local SEO helps local companies show up higher in Google’s local search results. Local SEO allows businesses to better connect with customers in their immediate vicinity by studying user behavior across billions of search queries.

You may boost your company’s visibility in organic search results and the 3-pack local snippet by implementing local SEO strategies. And that, in turn, will help your company expand and bring more people to your website.

More importantly, it is just as necessary to double-check the content after publication as it is before. Measure the success of your material and adjust accordingly. Extend your website’s reach by making the appropriate adjustments, including new items, and implementing multiple techniques.

Negative Search Engine Optimization

Some engage in negative SEO, despite being a form of search engine optimization that is both offensive and unethical. Breaking into a website and adding many low-quality links to it, posting critical feedback or reviews about the site on multiple online forums and discussion boards, etc., are all bad SEO practices.

It aims to bring down your rivals in the search engine results so that you can get ahead of them or gain an edge.  If someone is detected engaging in poor SEO practices, they may face several legal consequences.

Mobile Search Engine Optimization

A customer’s terrible experience with a brand on their smartphone could end their loyalty to that company. Hence, the phrase “mobile SEO” refers to making a site search engine-friendly and responsive to mobile and tablet users. Make sure your site’s design, organization, and load time won’t scare away potential customers who are accessing it from their mobile devices.

To optimize for mobile SEO:

  • Ensure your website uses responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes and orientations.
  • Avoid intrusive interstitials or pop-ups that obstruct content on mobile devices.
  • Test your site’s mobile-friendliness using tools like Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test.
  • Optimize site navigation and user interactions for touchscreens.

Voice Search Optimization

With the growing popularity of voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant, voice search optimization has become an essential aspect of SEO. Voice search queries tend to be more conversational and longer than traditional text queries, and optimizing for them requires a slightly different approach.

To optimize for voice search:

  • Target long-tail keywords that align with natural language and conversational queries.
  • Provide concise and accurate answers to commonly asked questions in your content.
  • Ensure your website is mobile-friendly, as many voice searches are conducted on mobile devices.
  • Utilize structured data to help search engines understand your content and improve the chances of being featured in voice search results.

By optimizing for voice search, you can capture a growing segment of search traffic and stay ahead of the competition.

User Experience (UX) and SEO

User experience (UX) and SEO go hand in hand. Search engines prioritize websites that offer an excellent user experience, and a positive UX can lead to higher rankings, increased traffic, and improved user engagement.

Key UX considerations for SEO include:

  • Easy navigation: Ensure your website has a clear and intuitive navigation structure, allowing users to find information quickly and effortlessly.
  • Mobile-friendliness: With mobile-first indexing, having a responsive website that performs well on mobile devices is crucial.
  • Clear calls to action (CTAs): Guide users to take desired actions with clear and compelling CTAs.
  • Readability: Format your content with headings, bullet points, and short paragraphs to make it easy to read and scan.

By focusing on UX, you not only enhance the experience for your visitors but also improve your website’s SEO performance.

Schema Markup and Structured Data

Schema markup and structured data play a vital role in enhancing search engine understanding of your website’s content. By using schema markup, you provide search engines with additional context and information about your content, which can lead to rich snippets in SERPs and improved visibility.

Types of schema markup include:

  • Product Schema: Provides details about products, including price, availability, and ratings.
  • Review Schema: Highlights customer reviews and ratings for products or services.
  • Event Schema: Showcases upcoming events, including dates, locations, and ticketing information.

Implementing schema markup on your website can increase click-through rates, drive more organic traffic, and enhance your overall SEO efforts.


SEO combines high scientific precision with a great deal of creative skill. Keep up with the market and educate yourself on the newest best practices, whether you decide to hire an internal SEO manager or work with a partner agency to handle this responsibility.