Internal linking is a crucial aspect of search engine optimization (SEO) that can help improve a website’s visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs).

By implementing a strategic and structured internal linking strategy, SEO agencies can enhance the user experience, distribute link equity across pages, and strengthen the overall site architecture. However, many websites struggle to manage their internal linking efforts efficiently, leading to missed opportunities for better rankings and higher traffic.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the importance of internal linking, provide a standard operating procedure (SOP) for internal linking, and introduce an innovative tool—Linkilo—as an alternative to manual internal linking for WordPress sites.

The Importance of Internal Linking

Internal linking refers to the practice of creating hyperlinks that connect one page on a website to another page on the same website. These links create pathways for users and search engine bots to navigate the site, discover relevant content, and better understand the site’s structure. Effective internal linking can lead to:

  • Improved website crawlability and indexing: Internal links help search engines crawl and index pages on a website more efficiently.
  • Enhanced user experience and engagement: Internal links make it easier for users to find related content, increasing the likelihood of longer sessions and lower bounce rates.
  • Better distribution of link equity: Internal links transfer authority from one page to another, helping distribute link equity and improve the rankings of linked pages.

Ready to Streamline Your Internal Linking Efforts?

Stop struggling with manual internal linking! Discover the power of Linkilo, an innovative tool that automates internal linking for your WordPress site. Enhance your SEO performance with predefined link rules, customizable anchor text, and comprehensive link reporting.

Try Linkilo Today and Boost Your SEO! Take control of your internal linking strategy!

SOP for Internal Linking

To optimize internal linking and achieve the best results, follow this SOP for internal linking:

Step 1: Perform Keyword Research and Mapping

  • Use keyword research tools (e.g., Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush) to identify target keywords and topics for the website’s content.
  • Create a keyword mapping document to associate target keywords with specific pages and posts on the website.
  • Use this document as a reference for identifying internal linking opportunities based on keyword relevancy.

Step 2: Conduct a Content Inventory and Gap Analysis

  • Compile a list of all existing pages and posts on the website, including their URLs and primary topics.
  • Identify gaps in the website’s content coverage, and plan new content to fill these gaps.
  • Prioritize high-value pages (e.g., product pages, landing pages) that should receive more internal links.

Step 3: Use Anchor Text Variations

  • Diversify anchor text by using variations of the target keyword or phrase.
  • Incorporate long-tail keywords, synonyms, and related phrases in anchor text.
  • Avoid over-optimization and repetitive anchor text, as this can appear spammy to search engines.
  • Review analytics data to identify high-traffic pages on the website.
  • Add relevant internal links from these high-traffic pages to other important pages to distribute link equity and drive traffic.
  • Ensure that links are added naturally and provide value to the reader.

Step 5: Create Cornerstone Content and Hub Pages

  • Designate certain in-depth and comprehensive pieces of content as cornerstone content.
  • Create hub pages that provide an overview of a specific topic and link to related content.
  • Use internal links to connect cornerstone content and hub pages with related pages and posts.
  • Place internal links higher in the content when possible, as links in the upper portion of the page may receive more attention.
  • Avoid placing internal links only in the footer, sidebar, or navigation menu, as contextual links within the content are more valuable.
  • Avoid adding an excessive number of internal links on a single page, as this can dilute link equity and overwhelm users.
  • Aim for a reasonable number of internal links (e.g., 3-5 links) per page or post, depending on the length and type of content.
  • Implement breadcrumb navigation to provide a clear path for users and search engines to navigate the website’s hierarchy.
  • Use plugins or custom code to display related posts or content at the end of each article, encouraging users to explore further.
  • Use tools like Screaming Frog or Ahrefs to conduct regular internal link audits.
  • Identify and fix broken links, redirect chains, and orphaned pages.
  • Update anchor text and linked URLs as needed to reflect changes in content or keyword strategy.

Step 10: Monitor Performance and Make Adjustments

  • Track the performance of internal links using Google Analytics or other analytics tools.
  • Monitor key metrics such as click-through rates, bounce rates, and time on page for linked content.
  • Analyze data and make adjustments to internal linking strategy based on user behavior and engagement.

Are you tired of manually adding internal links to your WordPress website? Say goodbye to the hassle and try today! With our easy-to-use internal linking tool, you can save time and improve your website’s SEO. Check out our latest article on internal linking tips and see how can make your life easier.

Internal linking Template

Here’s an internal linking template that you can use in Google Sheets, Microsoft Excel, or any other spreadsheet software to manage and track your internal linking efforts according to the SOP. You can copy and paste the headers and descriptions into your preferred spreadsheet program and adjust the columns as needed.

Page URLTarget KeywordAnchor TextLinked ToLink TypeLink LocationDate AddedNotes
The URL of the page where the internal link is addedThe target keyword or topic for the pageThe anchor text used for the internal linkThe URL of the page being linked toThe type of internal link (e.g., contextual, navigation, related posts)The location of the link on the page (e.g., body content, footer, sidebar)The date the internal link was addedAny additional notes or comments

Here’s an example of how to use the template with sample data:

Page URLTarget KeywordAnchor TextLinked ToLink TypeLink LocationDate AddedNotes tipsSEO best content04/21/2023Link to cornerstone best practiceson-page content04/21/2023Link to related post shoplatest new arrivals

You can expand this template as needed by adding more rows for additional internal links or columns for more detailed information. Additionally, you can use filters, sorting options, and conditional formatting to organize and manage your internal linking data more effectively. This template serves as a practical tool for tracking and auditing your internal linking efforts according to the SOP.

Introducing Linkilo: An Alternative to Manual Internal Linking

While manual internal linking can be effective, it can also be time-consuming and challenging to manage on large websites. To streamline the process and achieve better results, consider using Linkilo—an innovative tool designed to automate internal linking for WordPress sites.

Linkilo offers several key benefits:

  • Automated Link Creation: Linkilo automatically creates relevant internal links based on predefined rules and criteria, saving time and ensuring consistency.
  • Customizable Link Rules: Users can customize link rules, anchor text, and other link attributes to match their SEO strategy and branding.
  • Comprehensive Link Reporting: The tool provides detailed reports on internal link performance, helping users analyze and optimize their internal linking strategy.


A well-executed internal linking strategy can significantly improve a website’s SEO performance, user engagement, and overall site architecture. By following the internal linking SOP outlined in this guide, SEO agencies can create a cohesive and effective linking structure.

Additionally, tools like Linkilo Co offer an efficient and automated alternative to manual internal linking, making it easier for SEO agencies to manage and optimize internal links on WordPress sites. Whether you’re looking to rank for “internal linking template” or “SOP for internal linking,” implementing these best practices

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Internal Linking Strategy!

Maximize your website’s SEO performance and user engagement with a well-executed internal linking strategy. With Linkilo, you’ll gain an automated solution for internal linking on WordPress sites, saving you valuable time and effort. Don’t miss out on higher rankings and increased traffic!

Get Started with Linkilo Now! Elevate your website to new heights!